
IBM.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

International Business Machine

Group components IBM

The following shows the comparison of a stock with the index

Sector comparison

The following shows the group (gc_CNNS) and compares this with International Business Machine (IBM.US)

Top stocks within the sector gc_CNNS

Catex.Finance YCATT-USD CC 50.2206
Vankia Chain VKT-USD CC 43.7208
Sealchain SEAL-USD CC 40.8569
Xiropht XIRO-USD CC 38.1497
StakeCenterCash STAKEC-USD CC 35.3503
Lunes LUNES-USD CC 34.8525
Opus OPT-USD CC 34.6727
Aerdrop AER-USD CC 34.6209
JavaScript Token JS-USD CC 33.6575
Trinity Network Credit TNC-USD CC 31.9083
Pulse PULSE-USD CC 31.8416
Arion ARION-USD CC 28.4492
SpaceChain SPC-USD CC 28.4266
Oneworld OWO-USD CC 27.3005
Zetacoin ZET-USD CC 27.1634
Payfair PFR-USD CC 24.3105
Martkist MARTK-USD CC 23.6521
DaTa eXchange DTX-USD CC 22.6335
Ethereum Cash ECASH-USD CC 22.6173
Akroma AKA-USD CC 22.5369
Veltor VLT-USD CC 22.1343
QunQun QUN-USD CC 20.8951
Stronghold Token SHX-USD CC 20.7517
Poseidon Network QQQ-USD CC 20.0565
Atheios ATH-USD CC 19.7574
Axiom AXIOM-USD CC 19.1189
Asko ASKO-USD CC 14.8926

IBM (US) , component gc_CNNS

International Business Machine IBM US

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