
IBM.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

International Business Machine

Group components IBM

The following shows the comparison of a stock with the index

Sector comparison

The following shows the group (gc_SIX) and compares this with International Business Machine (IBM.US)

Top stocks within the sector gc_SIX

SIX SIX-USD CC 72.9509
Opacity OPCT-USD CC 41.4568
Ignition IC-USD CC 40.98
FileCash FCC-USD CC 38.3744
Coin Lion LION-USD CC 38.2152
Maro MARO-USD CC 37.5204
GameCredits GAME-USD CC 36.9672
MedicanCoin MCAN-USD CC 29.6441
QiSwap QI-USD CC 28.8174
Swingby SWINGBY-USD CC 25.8743
RChain REV-USD CC 24.7888

IBM (US) , component gc_SIX

International Business Machine IBM US

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