
SCPL.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Sciplay Corp 0.495B Communication Services

Pairs comparison

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs AXLA.US component:40.0 %

Axcella Health Inc AXLA
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is AXLA.US
Oyster Point Pharma Inc OYST US Healthcare 0.416 300M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.4 495M -
SmileDirectClub Inc SDC US Healthcare 0.397 29M -
Tela Bio Inc TELA US Healthcare 0.379 122M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs SY.US component:39.0 %

So-Young International Inc SY
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is SY.US
So-Young International Inc SY US Healthcare 1 119M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.39 495M -
MOGU Inc MOGU US Consumer Cyclical 0.38 17M -
Viomi Technology ADR VIOT US Consumer Cyclical 0.372 38M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs YJ.US component:34.7 %

Yunji Inc YJ
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is YJ.US
Yunji Inc YJ US Consumer Cyclical 1 16M -
36Kr Holdings Inc KRKR US Communication Services 0.371 15M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.347 495M -
LAIX Inc LAIX US Consumer Discretionary 0.33 11M -
MOGU Inc MOGU US Consumer Cyclical 0.326 17M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs MKD.US component:33.5 %

Molecular Data Inc MKD
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is MKD.US
Molecular Data Inc MKD US Consumer Discretionary 1 5M -
Huize Holding Ltd HUIZ US Financial Services 0.449 31M -
Casper Sleep Inc CSPR US Consumer Cyclical 0.351 282M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.335 495M -
Oyster Point Pharma Inc OYST US Healthcare 0.335 300M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs KNSA.US component:31.9 %

Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd KNSA
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is KNSA.US
Homology Medicines Inc FIXX US Healthcare 0.351 3M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.319 495M -
Kala Pharmaceuticals Inc KALA US Healthcare 0.315 21M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs WTRH.US component:24.0 %

Waitr Holdings Inc WTRH
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is WTRH.US
So-Young International Inc SY US Healthcare 0.24 119M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.24 495M -
Vapotherm Inc VAPO US Healthcare 0.236 9M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs TNCP.US component:16.3 %

Fact, Inc TNCP
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is TNCP.US
New York City REIT Inc NYC US Real Estate 0.174 15M -
CrossFirst Bankshares Inc CFB US Financial Services 0.166 684M -
First Choice Bancorp FCBP US Financial Services 0.163 344M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.163 495M -
South Jersey Industries Inc. CORP UNITS SJIU US Other 0.158 3260M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs TKCM.US component:14.6 %

Token Communities Ltd TKCM
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is TKCM.US
Biofrontera AG BFRA US Healthcare 0.178 76M -
Sunlands Technology Group STG US Consumer Defensive 0.149 122M -
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.146 495M -

SCPL (US) Sciplay Corp vs CEMI.US component:14.0 %

Chembio Diagnostics Inc CEMI
Red and green candlesticks is SCPL , blue line is CEMI.US
Sciplay Corp SCPL US Communication Services 0.14 495M -
Genetron Holdings Ltd GTH US Healthcare 0.137 127M -
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