
PHYS.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Assets: cash current-assets inventory receivables investments invested ppe nta assets net-debt working-capital liabilities long-term-debt accounts-payable non-current-liabilities

Income sheet sales operations-income gross-profit | expenses marketing r-and-d income-before-tax tax income net-income interest-income ebit leases interest earnings

Key Financials PHYS

Sprott Physical Gold Trust is an exchange traded commodity launched and managed by Sprott Asset Management, LP. The fund invests in the commodity markets. It primarily invests in physical gold bullion in London Good Delivery bar form. Sprott Physical Gold Trust was formed on August 28, 2009 and is domiciled in Canada.
PHYS Sprott Physical Gold Trust 7.797B Financial Services

 B  PHYS 20.51 0,0.271,0.867,0.544,0.271 18.27,18.51,18.87,18.50,18.81,18.72,19.18,19.46,19.57,19.45,19.72,20.05,20.59,20.57 18.42-19.39 -7.82% 267,186,267 2.7 Apr 4-Dec 27 68.83%


The following extracted figures are selected by the AI as the most essential for predicting future price movements. The impact shows the impact of the figure on the share price forecast. Sometimes the impact of an increasing beneficial figure may still be downwards when the increase was smaller than expected. The over figure shows if the actual result was higher or lower than the AI would forecast.

Income statement

. Predection Mar 31,24 Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23
totalRevenue 35.0 44M 22M -229M -166M 449M
grossProfit 30.0 38M 16M -235M -172M 443M
operatingIncome 129.0 508M 673M -230M -167M 448M
. netInterestIncome
incomeBeforeTax 143.0 508M 673M -230M -167M 448M
netIncome 144.0 508M 673M -230M -167M 448M
otherOperatingExpenses 260.0 464M 651M 1M 1M 1M

Balance sheet

. Predection Mar 31,24 Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23
. itotalAssets 5016.0 6896M 6532M 5866M 6124M 6196M
totalCurrentAssets 4M 8M 13M
. cashAndShortTermInvestments 3879.0 6891M 6532M 4M 8M 12M
. cash 15.0 16M 25M 4M 8M 12M
otherAssets 3922.0 6896M 6532M
netDebt -11.0 -16M -25M -4M -8M -12M

Cash Flow

. Predection Mar 31,24 Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23
. totalCashFromOperatingActivities -1.0 -10M -6M -6M -9M -3M
. . depreciationAndAmortization 0.0 0M 0M -0M 0M 0M
. . . changeToAccountReceivables -1.0 -5M -1M
. . freeCashFlow -1.0 -10M -6M -6M -9M -3M
. incomeTaxExpense. . -0.0 -0M -0M 0M -0M -0M

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