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<< error (1040, u'Too many connections') << error getdata ['', '(select max(p.dates) as dates, round(sum(pup*greatest(imp2-0.5,0.01))/sqrt(sum(greatest(imp2-.5,0.01))),2) as pup, round(sum(dud*greatest(imp-13,0.01))/sqrt(count(dates)*sum(greatest(imp-13,0.01))),2) as dud, round(sum(greatest(imp-12,0)*greatest(imp2,0))*sqrt((count(dates))),3) as imp, round(sum(imp2*imp2)*sqrt((count(dates))),3) as imp2, group_concat(if(locate(\'?\',img)>0,\'\',img) order by abs(pup)* greatest(imp2-.5,0.01) desc SEPARATOR \'\' ) as img, count(dates) as c ,group_concat(distinct concat(if(pup>.05,\'+ \',if(pup<-.05,\'- \',\'= \')), substring_index(substring_index(p.title,\'http\',1),\'|\',1), \'\') order by abs(pup)* greatest(imp2-.5,0.01) desc SEPARATOR \'
\') as summary , pp.sym as sym,pp.grps as grps,p.cat as cat from gdelt p inner join hashes pp using (id) inner join impact using(id) where p.dates>date_sub(now(), interval 6 hour) and imp2>0 and (isnull(pp.dup) or pp.dup=0 or pp.dup=pp.id) group by pp.sym,pp.grps,p.cat) as t inner join ggroup using (grps) left join stock on t.sym=stock.symexch']getdata 152968091 default, columns (column) , cols (sector, grptitle, fastdate, pchange, imgs, close, category, grp, title, country, datecount, source, price, stock, fewlines, symbol, linkgrp, link, date, fastgrp, day, count, img, url, macro, lines, summary, micro, linkid, plainsymbol, minus) , layouts (striped, layout) , wheres (syms, where, fast, general) , filters (grp, cc, general, micro, important, veryimportant, exch, stock) , sorts (sort, fastdate, max, sum, olddatecount, sum2, datecount, date, freq) , heading, datas (data, textdata, sym)

<< error (1040, u'Too many connections') << error getdata ['', 'gdelt inner join hashes using(id) left join impact using (id) left join stock on hashes.sym=stock.symexch']getdata 152968091 default, columns (column) , cols (sector, cc, month, img2, close, cat, category, group, img, title, source, price, olink, stock, symbol, symlink, linkgrp, link, date, pchange, day, exch, name, url, macro, summary, micro, linkid, minus) , layouts (layout) , wheres (old, all, where, find, older) , filters (impact, ccparam, symexch, grp, idvalue, cc, search, lists, general, micro, important, sym, dup, veryimportant, exch, stock) , sorts (sort, date, search) , heading, datas (olddata, data, sym)

Before today
<< error (1040, u'Too many connections') << error getdata ['', ' gdelt inner join hashes using(id) left join impact using (id) left join stock on hashes.sym=stock.symexch']getdata 152968091 default, columns (column) , cols (sector, cc, month, img2, close, cat, category, group, img, title, source, price, olink, stock, symbol, symlink, linkgrp, link, date, pchange, day, exch, name, url, macro, summary, micro, linkid, minus) , layouts (layout) , wheres (old, all, where, find, older) , filters (impact, ccparam, symexch, grp, idvalue, cc, search, lists, general, micro, important, sym, dup, veryimportant, exch, stock) , sorts (sort, date, search) , heading, datas (olddata, data, sym)