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Sprott Physical Gold Trust 7.797B Financial Services

Pairs comparison

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs PSLV.US component:74.7 %

Sprott Physical Silver PSLV
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is PSLV.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.747 7797M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.572 93M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs SAND.US component:56.1 %

Sandstorm Gold Ltd N SAND
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is SAND.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.561 7797M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.552 93M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs BTG.US component:52.3 %

B2Gold Corp BTG
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is BTG.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.523 7797M -
Sibanye Gold Ltd ADR SBSW US Basic Materials 0.515 2923M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.5 93M -
ASA Gold and Precious Metals Ltd ASA US Financial Services 0.492 386M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs GNT.US component:51.1 %

GAMCO Natural Resources Gold a GNT
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is GNT.US
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 1 93M -
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.511 7797M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs PVG.US component:48.5 %

Pretium Resources Inc PVG
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is PVG.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.485 7797M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.433 93M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs ALO.US component:45.6 %

Alio Gold Inc ALO
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is ALO.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.456 7797M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.447 93M -
Sibanye Gold Ltd ADR SBSW US Basic Materials 0.399 2923M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs KL.US component:45.5 %

Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd KL
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is KL.US
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.455 7797M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.409 93M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs SBSW.US component:41.2 %

Sibanye Gold Ltd ADR SBSW
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is SBSW.US
Sibanye Gold Ltd ADR SBSW US Basic Materials 1 2923M -
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.457 93M -
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.412 7797M -

PHYS (US) Sprott Physical Gold Trust vs PPTA.US component:40.7 %

Perpetua Resources Corp PPTA
Red and green candlesticks is PHYS , blue line is PPTA.US
GAMCO Natural Resources Gold and Income Closed Fund GNT US Financial Services 0.432 93M -
Sprott Physical Gold Trust PHYS US Financial Services 0.407 7797M -
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