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Stock prediction for PHYS.US - Sprott Physical Gold Trust

Sprott Physical Gold Trust is an exchange traded commodity launched and managed by Sprott Asset Management, LP. The fund invests in the commodity markets. It primarily invests in physical gold bullion in London Good Delivery bar form. Sprott Physical Gold Trust was formed on August 28, 2009 and is domiciled in Canada.
PHYS Sprott Physical Gold Trust 7.797B Financial Services

 B  PHYS 20.51 0,0.271,0.867,0.544,0.271 18.27,18.51,18.87,18.50,18.81,18.72,19.18,19.46,19.57,19.45,19.72,20.05,20.59,20.57 18.42-19.39 -7.82% 267,187,267 2.7 Apr 4-Dec 27 68.83%

stock prediction graph

prediction values

stocklow targettargethigh targetto go daystarget date
PHYS 18.42 18.91 19.39 -9.18% 267 Dec 27
PHYS 18.15 18.52 18.88 -11.41% 177 Sep 28
PHYS 18.16 18.49 18.83 -11.53% 167 Sep 18
PHYS 18.09 18.42 18.74 -11.98% 157 Sep 8
PHYS 18.06 18.37 18.68 -12.23% 147 Aug 29
PHYS 17.99 18.29 18.60 -12.67% 137 Aug 19
PHYS 18.02 18.31 18.60 -12.58% 127 Aug 9
PHYS 17.93 18.21 18.49 -13.14% 117 Jul 30
PHYS 17.93 18.18 18.43 -13.35% 107 Jul 20
PHYS 17.87 18.11 18.34 -13.75% 97 Jul 10
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