
MORN.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Morningstar Inc

Stock industry analysis for MORN (Morningstar Inc)

Compares a stock with a basket of similar stocks. This is useful to determine why a share price moves. In some cases it is because the company has great leadership and brilliant products in which case the company news becomes important. In other cases it is because they are in a good industry in which case the industry news is most important.

MORN (US) Morningstar Inc vs g.lawn

Daily share price volatility analysis

  • most of the share price movement is caused by the industry and not the company
  • correlation of stock with industry 95.4%
  • beta of stock with industry 1.01
  • volatility of g.lawn 74.22%
  • volatility of stock (MORN) 78.25%
  • volatility of industry component: 74.66%
  • volatility of stock specific component: 23.45%
  • 29.96% of the price volatility is due to the stock and not the industry, which is 8.98% of the variance
  • 95.4% of the price volatility is due to the industry not the stock, which is 91.02% of the variance

Monthly price volatility analysis

  • most of the share price movement is caused by the industry and not the company
  • correlation of stock with industry 95.7%
  • beta of stock with industry 1.02
  • volatility of g.lawn 74.05%
  • volatility of stock (MORN) 78.68%
  • volatility of industry component: 75.29%
  • volatility of stock specific component: 22.83%
  • 29.01% of the price volatility is due to the stock and not the industry, which is 8.42% of the variance
  • 95.7% of the price volatility is due to the industry not the stock, which is 91.58% of the variance

Stock component chart

This chart shows the stock and compares it with an index made up of similar stocks. This helps identify whether it is the company or the industry which is driving the share price.

Red and green candlesticks show MORN, the blue line is the comparison

stock specific component

The chart shows in blue is just the company component of the price after removing the industry component. This is helpful to see if there is buying or selling in the specific stock that may last a few days. The component chart is designed to have the same final price as the company for easy comparison. The green line is a 5 day moving average

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