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Coupang pledges W3tr to expand Rocket Delivery nationwide by 2027

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Coupang Invests $2.23 Billion to Expand Rocket Delivery Service Nationwide

- econotimes - 10:30 Wed BABA story
Coupang pledges W3tr to expand Rocket Delivery nationwide by 2027

- koreaherald - 07:45 Wed BABA story

Before today
Coupang Invests $2.23 Billion to Expand Rocket Delivery Service Nationwide - econotimes 10:30 Wed BABA econotimes story
Coupang pledges W3tr to expand Rocket Delivery nationwide by 2027 - koreaherald 07:45 Wed BABA koreaherald story
Coupang pledges W3tr to expand Rocket Delivery nationwide by 2027 - koreaherald 07:15 Wed BABA koreaherald story