IBM.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare
Comparison for IBM, International Business Machines Corporation
The comparison is made between IBM and the comparison stocks CSCO, GAM and IVZ
company | revenue | gross income | profit margin | income before tax |
IBM | 14.46B | 7.91B | 54.71 | 1074.0M |
CSCO | 12.7B | 8.09B | 63.72 | 2.23B |
GAM | 41.51M | 38.12M | 91.84 | 122.72M |
IVZ | 1475.3M | 381.0M | 25.83 | 282.9M |
For the financial year , International Business Machines Corporation sales were $14.46 billion and above the other companies and 205.13% higher than the average of $4.74 billion After cost of goods, and selling and general costs, gross income were $7.91 billion and 178.82% higher than the average of $2.84 billion The profit margin were a lot and 9.51% lower than the average of a lot
For the financial year , International Business Machines Corporation net current assets were $3.22 billion making it the highest and -236.01% higher than the average of -$2.37 billion This consists of current assets, which were $35.62 billion making it the highest and 211.07% higher than the average of $11.45 billion, less current liabilities, which were $32.4 billion and 134.48% higher than the average of $13.82 billionContributing to the current assets was Cash and Short term assets which were 54.12% and the lowest and 76.92% lower than the average of $2.34, recievables (were 34.6% and 29.45% under the average of 49.04%) and inventory (were 3.4% and 97.59% lower than the average of 141.19%) Contributing to the current liabilities were accounts payable (were 11.08% and 77.88% under the average of 50.06%) and short term debt (were 19.31% and 89.88% over the averarge of 10.17%)
As a multiple of net assets, current liabilities were 138.85% and the highest and 328.35% higher than the average of 32.41%. Current liabilities as days of sales represents were 817.65 and 48.52% higher than the average of 550.54.
In terms of days of sales, accounts receivables were 310.99 making it the highest and 82.02% higher than the average of 170.85
Long term assets
For the financial year , International Business Machines Corporation net assets were $23.33 billion and 10.83% higher than the average of $21.05 billion This consists of current assets, which were $137.17 billion and above the other companies and 169.6% higher than the average of $50.88 billion, less current liabilities, which were $113.84 billion making it the highest and 281.65% higher than the average of $29.83 billion
Contributing to the total assets were Plant and Equipment (were 0.0% the same as the comparisions) and tangible assets(were 0.0% the same as the comparisions) Contributing to the total libiatilites were long term debt (were 47.47% and 47.4% over the averarge of 32.2%) and
As a multiple of total assets, total liabilities were 82.99% the highest of the comparisons and 130.39% higher than the average of 36.02%.
name | total assets | total liabs | cur assets | cur liabs | days AR |
IBM | 137.17B | 113.84B | 35.62B | 32.4B | 310.99 |
CSCO | 123.0B | 77.23B | 31.99B | 40.11B | 246.26 |
GAM | 1563.64M | 27.18M | 11.48M | 19.59M | 91.05 |
IVZ | 28.08B | 12.22B | 2.35B | 1321.2M | 175.24 |
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