
CVCY.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Assets: cash current-assets inventory receivables investments invested ppe nta assets net-debt working-capital liabilities long-term-debt accounts-payable non-current-liabilities

Income sheet sales operations-income gross-profit | expenses marketing r-and-d income-before-tax tax income net-income interest-income ebit leases interest earnings

Key Financials CVCY

Central Valley Community Bancorp operates as the bank holding company for the Central Valley Community Bank that provides various commercial banking services to small and middle-market businesses and individuals in the central valley area of California. The company accepts demand, savings, and time deposits; certificates of deposit; and non-interest-bearing demand deposits, as well as provides NOW and money market accounts. It also provides products, such as commercial and industrial loans, as well as loans secured by crop production and livestock; owner occupied and investor commercial real estate, real estate construction and other land, agricultural real estate, and other real estate loans; and equity loans and lines of credit, and installment and other consumer loans. In addition, the company offers domestic and international wire transfer, inquiry, account status, bill paying, account transfers, and cash management and other customary banking services. Central Valley Community Bancorp was founded in 1979 and is based in Fresno, California.
CVCY Central Valley Community Bancorp 0.235B Financial Services

 B  CVCY 0.00 0,0.441,-5.000,0.840,0.441 19.92,19.25,17.58,18.05,18.06,18.40,19.13,18.96,18.92,19.41 24.13-25.94 267,115,267 5.1 Jan 5-Sep 28 69.50%