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Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest Q1 levels since 2017

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Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest Q1 levels since 2017

- wkzo - 17:30 Tue FANG story
Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest first-quarter levels since 2017

- biztoc - 15:15 Tue  story

Before today
Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest Q1 levels since 2017 - wkzo 17:30 Tue FANG wkzo story
Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest first-quarter levels since 2017 - biztoc 15:15 Tue biztoc story
Oil and gas upstream M&A deal value hits highest Q1 levels since 2017 - yahoo 14:30 Tue FANG yahoo story