
Overview - ADT1 LSE

Adriatic Metals
ADT1.LSE | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Adriatic Metals PLC, through its subsidiaries, engages in the exploration and development of precious and base metals. It primarily explores for silver, zinc, lead, copper, gold, and barite deposits. The company's flagship project is the 100% owned Vare" Silver Project covering an area of approximately 44 square kilometers located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Adriatic Metals PLC was incorporated in 2017 and is based in Cheltenham, the United Kingdom.
ADT1 Adriatic Metals 0.692B Basic Materials

 B  ADT1 234.50 0,0.114,0.748,1.003,0.114 168.67,184.12,178.80,170.68,162.52,164.88,172.00,187.04,192.68,196.55,201.88,215.80,216.40,224.90,233.75 208.27-245.31 -3.29% 267,120,267 4.9 Jan 5-Sep 28 60.49%
Intraday chart for ADT1

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The following extracted figures are selected by the AI as the most essential for predicting future price movements. The arrows show the how the AI thinks the figure affects the stock price (not the change in the figure)

. operatingIncome  
. . netInterestIncome  
. incomeBeforeTax  
. otherOperatingExpenses  
. netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares  
. reconciledDepreciation  
. netWorkingCapital -17M
. netInvestedCapital 251M
. netDebt 96M
. totalCashFromOperatingActivities  
. freeCashFlow. .  

Chart ADT1

Adriatic Metals ADT1 LSE Basic Materials 38.355 692M -

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