
Assets: cash current-assets inventory receivables investments invested ppe nta assets net-debt working-capital liabilities long-term-debt accounts-payable non-current-liabilities

Income sheet sales operations-income gross-profit | expenses marketing r-and-d income-before-tax tax income net-income interest-income ebit leases interest earnings

Other shares shares-outstanding treasury-stock equity buyback | dividends | free-cash-flow change-in-cash

IBM assets - Total Assets for International Business Machine

Total Assets is the total of the short and long term assets

  • IBM assets for the quarter ending Dec 31, 2023 for this quarter were $135.24 billion, up 4.58% from $129.32 billion last quarterand up 6.29% from $127.24 billion in 4 quarters ago.
  • IBM assets for the quarter ending Sep 30, 2023 were down 2.2% from $132.21 billion last quarter to $129.32 billion.
  • IBM assets for the quarter ending Jun 30, 2023 were down 1.1% to $132.21 billion from $133.64 billion last quarter.
  • IBM assets for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2023 since 2 quarters ago, have risen by 6.19%, from $125.85 billion to $133.64 billion this quarter. This marks a growth from last quarter, when they were up 5.03% from $127.24 billion.
  • IBM assets for the quarter ending Dec 31, 2022 were up 1.1% from $125.85 billion last quarter to $127.24 billion.

IBM Total Assets

quarter endingIBM Total Assetspercent change percent of market capper sharetotal shares
Dec 31, 2023 135.24B up 4.6% 78.14 226.75 59643000000.0
Sep 30, 2023 129.32B down 2.2% 74.72 218.03 59313000000.0
Jun 30, 2023 132.21B down 1.1% 76.39 224.23 58963000000.0
Mar 31, 2023 133.64B up 5.0% 77.21 227.76 58675000000.0
Dec 31, 2022 127.24B up 1.1% 73.52 218.09 58343000000.0
Sep 30, 2022 125.85B down 1.3% 72.72 216.55 58117000000.0
Jun 30, 2022 127.5B down 4.3% 73.67 220.59 57802000000.0
Mar 31, 2022 133.28B up 77.01 231.37 57603000000.0
Dec 31, 2021 132.0B down 8.5% 76.27 230.29 57319000000.0
Sep 30, 2021 144.22B down 1.8% 83.33 252.17 57189000000.0
Jun 30, 2021 146.81B down 1.2% 84.83 257.97 56912000000.0
Mar 31, 2021 148.63B down 4.7% 85.88 261.72 56788000000.0
Dec 31, 2020 155.97B up 1.2% 90.12 275.78 56556000000.0
Sep 30, 2020 154.13B down 0.0% 89.05 273.44 56366000000.0
Jun 30, 2020 154.2B up 89.1 274.69 56135000000.0

International Business Machine Total Assets actual and forcast

The green bars show the actual Total Assets for International Business Machine. The blue bars is the forcast for the next quarter.

Comparison of International Business Machine Total Assets with other stocks

To compare Total Assets accross stocks, we can compare a number of metrics including the Total Assets, and the Total Assets yeild.

namesymbolexchangedatesectorTotal Assets% market cap
International Business Machines Corporation IBM LSE Dec 31, 2023 Technology 135241M 78.14
JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust Plc JCH LSE Dec 31, 2023 Financial Services 449M 112.38
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