
IBM.AU | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare


Group components IBM

The following shows the comparison of a stock with the index

Sector comparison

The following shows the group (gc_Uro) and compares this with International Business Machine (IBM.LSE)

Top stocks within the sector gc_Uro

Bezant BZNT-USD CC 61.0018
Uro URO-USD CC 57.0591
DraftCoin DFT-USD CC 51.4542
EcoCoin ECO-USD CC 47.0027
SwiftCash SWIFT-USD CC 43.8871
Ulord UT-USD CC 41.4255
Indorse Token IND-USD CC 40.9444
TOPBTC Token TOPB-USD CC 35.0612
Blue Protocol BLUE-USD CC 34.2547
Education Ecosystem LEDU-USD CC 30.0189
Nework NKC-USD CC 29.1231
MicroMoney AMM-USD CC 26.4307
Stobox Token STBU-USD CC 25.6162
Gather GTH-USD CC 23.4326
Fire Lotto FLOT-USD CC 23.4136

IBM (LSE) , component gc_Uro

International Business Machine IBM LSE

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