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Luther Burbank 0.467B Financial Services

News graph LBC.US

News chart for LBC

Bold candlesticks represent price chart. Light bars represent news sentiment.

Todays news for LBC

High impact previous days news for LBC ( full news )

Mailbox break-ins occur on Island | Mercer Island police blotter - mi-reporter
Fri 19 Apr - LBC - link story
Free Will Astrology, Week of 4/17 - pacificsun
Wed 17 Apr - LBC - link story
Golden K hears about Northwoods AirLifeline | News, Sports, Jobs - ironmountaindailynews
Sat 23 Mar - LBC - link story
Rather than wearing the green, let's eat it! | Elaine Revelle - santamariatimes
Sat 9 Mar - LBC - link story
Summer Celebration set for July 13 | Mercer Island Reporter - mi-reporter
Sat 2 Mar - LBC - link story
Short Interest in Luther Burbank Co. (NASDAQ:LBC) Decreases By 8.3% - kopsource
Sun 18 Feb - LBC - link story
After delays, WaFd secures regulatory approvals for acquisition of Luther Burbank - americanbanker
Thu 1 Feb - LBC - link story
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