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Comparison for CAPL, CrossAmerica Partners LP

The comparison is made between CAPL and the comparison stock CAPL

companyrevenuegross incomeprofit marginincome before tax
CAPL 1210.02M 100.44M 8.3 13.76M

For the financial year Sep 30,23, CrossAmerica Partners LP sales After cost of goods, and selling and general costs, gross income The profit margin

For the year ending in Sep 30,23, CrossAmerica Partners LP net current assets This consists of current assets, which , less current liabilities, which

Contributing to the current assets was Cash and Short term assets which , recievables () and inventory () Contributing to the current liabilities were accounts payable () and short term debt ()

As a multiple of net assets, current liabilities . Current liabilities as days of sales represents .

In terms of days of sales, accounts receivables

Long term assets

In the financial year Sep 30,23, CrossAmerica Partners LP net assets This consists of current assets, which , less current liabilities, which

Contributing to the total assets were Plant and Equipment () and tangible assets() Contributing to the total libiatilites were long term debt () and

As a multiple of total assets, total liabilities .

nametotal assetstotal liabscur assetscur liabsdays AR
CAPL 1217.23M 1195.02M 123.26M 177.2M 11.82


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