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Sales Analysis CHT

For the financial year Sep 30,23, Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd sales since 2 years ago, have decreased by 13.6%. In this year, they were down 13.6% from $61.86 billion last year to $53.45 billion. We predict Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd sales to go down 0.1% to around $53.38 billion during the next 12 months. The share price of Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd has a positive sensitivity to increases to sales with forecast sales alone decreasing the share price by 0.01%.

Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd currently has 19,912 employees and with sales of $53.45 billion this equates to sales of $2.68 million per employee.


For Sep 30,23 Cost of goods sold for this year was $33.84 billion, down 33.34% from $50.77 billion last yearand down 33.34% from $50.77 billion in 2 years ago. This cost represented 63.32% of overall sales down from 82.07% last year and is expected to fall to 57.76% next year. We predict Cost of goods sold to move down 8.9% to around $30.83 billion during the next 12 months.

Selling General and Administrative expenses sharply decreased by 82.14% from last year's $8.45 billion to $1509.78 million this year and we expect SGA to move up 10.3% to around $1665.77 million during the next 12 months.

This meant gross income was $19.6 billion making a gross profit margin of 36.68% of sales, which we expect to be 38.86% next year. The share price of Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd has a positive sensitivity to increases to gross profit margin.

With 19,912 employees, the gross income is $984.5 thousand per employee.


EBIT was 22.03% of sales and in this year, was up big% from $303.86 million last year to $11.77 billion and we expect EBIT to be $15.95 billion next year.

Pre-tax income was 21.77% of sales and for this year was $11.64 billion, up 11.58% from $10.43 billion last year and we expect it to be $10.15 billion next year. Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd paid $2.26 billion tax. Its effective tax rate was 19.4% from 20.81% last year and estimated as 22.05% next year.

Including discontinued income, after tax income was 17.02% of sales and for this fiscal year was up 10.1% from the previous year, totaling $9.09 billion and we expect it to be $7.81 billion next year. Return on Equity was inf,, unchange for the past 3 years and we expect it to be 7.81 billion next year.

Sales and income

date totalRevenue ... netIncome commonStockTotalEquity 0 Sep 30,23 5.34455e+10 ... 9.0946e+09 None 1 Dec 31,23 6.186e+10 ... 8.26e+09 None 2 Mar 31,24 6.186e+10 ... 8.29887e+09 None [3 rows x 14 columns]