
GAM.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

General American Investors Closed Fund 1.097B Financial Services

Stock industry analysis for GAM (General American Investors Clo)

Compares a stock with a basket of similar stocks. This is useful to determine why a share price moves. In some cases it is because the company has great leadership and brilliant products in which case the company news becomes important. In other cases it is because they are in a good industry in which case the industry news is most important.

GAM (US) General American Investors Clo vs g.convertible

Daily share price volatility analysis

  • most of the share price movement is caused by the industry and not the company
  • correlation of stock with industry 99.2%
  • beta of stock with industry 1.0
  • volatility of g.convertible 73.86%
  • volatility of stock (GAM) 74.72%
  • volatility of industry component: 74.13%
  • volatility of stock specific component: 9.41%
  • 12.59% of the price volatility is due to the stock and not the industry, which is 1.59% of the variance
  • 99.2% of the price volatility is due to the industry not the stock, which is 98.41% of the variance

Monthly price volatility analysis

  • most of the share price movement is caused by the industry and not the company
  • correlation of stock with industry 99.24%
  • beta of stock with industry 1.0
  • volatility of g.convertible 74.02%
  • volatility of stock (GAM) 74.89%
  • volatility of industry component: 74.32%
  • volatility of stock specific component: 9.23%
  • 12.32% of the price volatility is due to the stock and not the industry, which is 1.52% of the variance
  • 99.24% of the price volatility is due to the industry not the stock, which is 98.48% of the variance

Stock component chart

This chart shows the stock and compares it with an index made up of similar stocks. This helps identify whether it is the company or the industry which is driving the share price.

Red and green candlesticks show GAM, the blue line is the comparison

stock specific component

The chart shows in blue is just the company component of the price after removing the industry component. This is helpful to see if there is buying or selling in the specific stock that may last a few days. The component chart is designed to have the same final price as the company for easy comparison. The green line is a 5 day moving average

symbols in g.convertible

Cornerstone Strategic Value Fu CLM US 29.9096
Reaves Utility IF UTG US 32.6768
Cornerstone Strategic Return F CRF US 29.5631
Liberty All Star Equity Closed USA US 25.6315
Cohen and Steers Infrastructur UTF US 34.2794
Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Global EXG US 42.7716
Gabelli Dividend & Income Clos GDV US 40.3804
Calamos Strategic Total Return CSQ US 58.8853
Eaton Vance Tax Managed Divers ETY US 63.2683
Adams Diversified Equity Close ADX US 38.4791 wiki
BlackRock Enhanced Equity Divi BDJ US 29.8655
Guggenheim Enhanced Equity In GPM US 28.6355
Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Div EVT US 45.5382
Eaton Vance Tax Managed Buy Wr ETV US 69.1633
Aberdeen Total Dynamic Dividen AOD US 40.6729
Virtus Dividend Interest & Pre NFJ US 50.8317
Nuveen S&P 500 Buy-Write Incom BXMX US 53.9711
Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Glo ETG US 46.8189
Eaton Vance Tax Managed Global ETW US 55.837
Calamos Dynamic Convertible CCD US 26.8305
Calamos Convertible Opportunit CHI US 31.2431
Calamos Convertible and High I CHY US 30.8235
BlackRock Global Opportunities BOE US 33.0987
Eaton Vance Risk Managed Diver ETJ US 25.9245
Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity In EOS US 51.0879
General American Investors Closed Fund GAM US Financial Services 34.6885 1097M
Advent Claymore Convertible Se AVK US 36.9533
Calamos Global Dynamic Income CHW US 42.3789
BlackRock Enhanced Capital and CII US 56.4484
AllianzGI Equity & Convertible NIE US 39.1845
Central Securities Corporation CET US 26.8742
Columbia Seligman Premium Tech STK US 31.2611
Tri Continental Closed Fund TY US Financial Services 37.6321 1614M
Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity In EOI US 45.6462
Eaton Vance Tax Managed Buy Wr ETB US 58.5588
Boulder Growth & Income Fund I BIF US 43.2144
LMP Capital And Income Closed SCD US 57.0479
Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Glo ETO US 41.3447
Clough Global Opportunities Fu GLO US 29.3662
Voya Global Advantage & Premiu IGA US 39.0377
Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Close JCE US 57.2358
Cohen & Steers Closed End Oppo FOF US 35.8262
Lazard Global Total Return & I LGI US 49.9374
John Hancock Hedged Equity & I HEQ US 55.6725
Nuveen S&P 500 Dynamic Overwri SPXX US 69.6539
Clough Global EF GLQ US 78.4852
AllianzGI Diversified Income & ACV US 27.0624
Voya Infrastructure Industrial IDE US 32.5073
First Trust Enhanced Equity In FFA US 60.2472
Source Capital Closed Fund SOR US Financial Services 28.6637 349M
Ellsworth Convertible Growth & ECF US 26.8178
Bancroft Fund Limited BCV US 26.6508
Macquarie Global Infrastructur MGU US 36.3148
Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Dividen JTD US 66.4133
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