
TPL.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Assets: cash current-assets inventory receivables investments invested ppe nta assets net-debt working-capital liabilities long-term-debt accounts-payable non-current-liabilities

Income sheet sales operations-income gross-profit | expenses marketing r-and-d income-before-tax tax income net-income interest-income ebit leases interest earnings

Key Financials TPL

Texas Pacific Land Corporation engages in the land and resource management, and water services and operations businesses. The company owns a 1/128th nonparticipating perpetual oil and gas royalty interest (NPRI) under approximately 85,000 acres of land; a 1/16th NPRI under approximately 371,000 acres of land; and approximately 4,000 additional net royalty acres, total of approximately 195,000 NRA located in the western part of Texas. The Land and Resource Management segment manages surface acres of land, and oil and gas royalty interest in West Texas. This segment also engages in easements, such as transporting oil, gas and related hydrocarbons, power line and utility, and subsurface wellbore easements. In addition, this segment leases its land for processing, storage, and compression facilities and roads; and is involved in sale of materials, such as caliche, sand, and other material, as well as sells land. The Water Services and Operations segment provides full-service water offerings, including water sourcing, produced-water treatment, infrastructure development, and disposal solutions to operators in the Permian Basin. This segment also holds produced water royalties. Texas Pacific Land Corporation was founded in 1888 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
TPL Texas Pacific Land Trust 14.079B Energy

 B  TPL 595.67 0,0.244,0.607,0.833,0.244 494.51,488.24,484.16,485.14,508.03,519.92,504.58,536.28,562.31,572.36,585.41,594.00,584.16,590.06 556.48-620.44 -1.21% 267,115,267 5.1 Jan 5-Sep 28 63.99%


The following extracted figures are selected by the AI as the most essential for predicting future price movements. The impact shows the impact of the figure on the share price forecast. Sometimes the impact of an increasing beneficial figure may still be downwards when the increase was smaller than expected. The over figure shows if the actual result was higher or lower than the AI would forecast.

Income statement

. Predection Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23 Dec 31,22
totalRevenue 166.0 167M 158M 161M 146M 153M
grossProfit 144.0 154M 146M 146M 137M 145M
operatingIncome 114.0 134M 127M 120M 105M 124M
. netInterestIncome
incomeBeforeTax 143.0 145M 135M 127M 110M 128M
taxProvision 25.0 32M 29M 27M 24M 28M
netIncome 111.0 113M 106M 100M 87M 100M
otherOperatingExpenses 38.0 33M 31M 40M 41M 28M
netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares 106M 100M 87M 100M
reconciledDepreciation 4.0 4M 4M 4M 3M 3M

Balance sheet

. Predection Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23 Dec 31,22
. itotalAssets 1089.0 1156M 1079M 1001M 955M 877M
totalCurrentAssets 815.0 862M 921M 868M 821M 743M
. cashAndShortTermInvestments 662.0 725M 654M 609M 591M 511M
. cash 635.0 725M 654M 609M 591M 511M
otherAssets 5M 2M 7M 6M
netWorkingCapital 966.0 799M 854M 802M 744M 686M
netInvestedCapital 903.0 1043M 965M 888M 829M 773M
netDebt -777.0 -724M -653M -607M -589M -509M

Cash Flow

. Predection Dec 31,23 Sep 30,23 Jun 30,23 Mar 31,23 Dec 31,22
. totalCashFromOperatingActivities 89.0 111M 108M 84M 115M 133M
. . depreciationAndAmortization 4.0 4M 4M 4M 3M 3M
. . . changeToAccountReceivables -5.0 -24M -14M
. . freeCashFlow 53.0 107M 79M 79M 113M 126M
. incomeTaxExpense. . 28.0 32M 29M 27M 24M 28M

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