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Stock prediction for TPL.US - Texas Pacific Land Trust

Texas Pacific Land Corporation engages in the land and resource management, and water services and operations businesses. The company owns a 1/128th nonparticipating perpetual oil and gas royalty interest (NPRI) under approximately 85,000 acres of land; a 1/16th NPRI under approximately 371,000 acres of land; and approximately 4,000 additional net royalty acres, total of approximately 195,000 NRA located in the western part of Texas. The Land and Resource Management segment manages surface acres of land, and oil and gas royalty interest in West Texas. This segment also engages in easements, such as transporting oil, gas and related hydrocarbons, power line and utility, and subsurface wellbore easements. In addition, this segment leases its land for processing, storage, and compression facilities and roads; and is involved in sale of materials, such as caliche, sand, and other material, as well as sells land. The Water Services and Operations segment provides full-service water offerings, including water sourcing, produced-water treatment, infrastructure development, and disposal solutions to operators in the Permian Basin. This segment also holds produced water royalties. Texas Pacific Land Corporation was founded in 1888 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
TPL Texas Pacific Land Trust 14.079B Energy

 B  TPL 595.67 0,0.244,0.607,0.833,0.244 494.51,488.24,484.16,485.14,508.03,519.92,504.58,536.28,562.31,572.36,585.41,594.00,584.16,590.06 556.48-620.44 -1.21% 267,115,267 5.1 Jan 5-Sep 28 63.99%

stock prediction graph

prediction values

stocklow targettargethigh targetto go daystarget date
TPL 556.48 588.46 620.44 -1.36% 267 Sep 28
TPL 549.59 573.00 596.42 -4.27% 177 Jun 30
TPL 549.82 572.18 594.53 -4.42% 167 Jun 20
TPL 548.00 569.49 590.97 -4.93% 157 Jun 10
TPL 548.27 568.60 588.92 -5.10% 147 May 31
TPL 547.49 566.94 586.39 -5.41% 137 May 21
TPL 546.81 565.02 583.22 -5.77% 127 May 11
TPL 544.18 561.71 579.23 -6.39% 117 May 1
TPL 544.65 560.89 577.13 -6.55% 107 Apr 21
TPL 542.74 558.17 573.60 -7.06% 97 Apr 11
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