
GTEC.US | summary | financial summary | prediction chart | global stock news | news graph | volatility | components |pairs | earnings | dividends | sales | compare

Greenland Acquisition Corp 0.036B Industrials

Pairs comparison

GTEC (US) Greenland Acquisition Corp vs JFIN.US component:32.9 %

Jiayin Group Inc JFIN
Red and green candlesticks is GTEC , blue line is JFIN.US
Jiayin Group Inc JFIN US Communication Services 1 359M -
36Kr Holdings Inc KRKR US Communication Services 0.359 15M -
Greenland Acquisition Corp GTEC US Industrials 0.329 36M -

GTEC (US) Greenland Acquisition Corp vs WKEY.US component:32.8 %

Wisekey International Holding WKEY
Red and green candlesticks is GTEC , blue line is WKEY.US
Wisekey International Holding AG WKEY US Technology 1 23M -
Hall of Fame Resort Entertainment Co HOFV US Communication Services 0.331 23M -
Greenland Acquisition Corp GTEC US Industrials 0.328 36M -
CLPS Inc CLPS US Technology 0.286 28M -
Fathom Holdings Inc FTHM US Real Estate 0.285 40M -
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