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Comparison for GTEC, Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation

The comparison is made between GTEC and the comparison stocks JFIN and KRKR

companyrevenuegross incomeprofit marginincome before tax
GTEC 21.84M 6.27M 28.71 1073.8K
JFIN 1466.34M 922.09M 62.88 387.44M
KRKR 96.97M 54.63M 56.34 -18.89M

In the financial year , Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation sales were $21.84 million and lower than the other companies and 97.21% lower than the average of $781.65 million After cost of goods, and selling and general costs, gross income were $6.27 million and lower than the other companies and 98.72% lower than the average of $488.36 million The profit margin were a lot making it the lowest and 51.84% lower than the average of 59.61

For the financial year , Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation net current assets were $68.37 million and the lowest and 93.05% lower than the average of $983.13 million This consists of current assets, which were $138.93 million making it the lowest and 94.58% lower than the average of $2.56 billion, less current liabilities, which were $70.56 million making it the lowest and 95.54% lower than the average of $1580.57 million

Contributing to the current assets was Cash and Short term assets which were 18.67% and 16.14% under the average of 22.26%, recievables (were 63.28% and 6.42% over the averarge of 59.46%) and inventory (were 14.75% making it the highest and a lot higher than the average of 0.04%) Contributing to the current liabilities were accounts payable (were 36.47% the highest of the comparisons and 145.36% higher than the average of 14.86%) and short term debt (were 59.24% and the highest and a lot higher than the average of 6.62%)

As a multiple of net assets, current liabilities were 82.64% and 19.82% below the averarge of 103.06%. Current liabilities as days of sales represents were 1179.42 and the highest and 71.28% higher than the average of 688.59.

In terms of days of sales, accounts receivables were 1469.48 the highest of the comparisons and 115.67% higher than the average of 681.35

Long term assets

In the year ending in , Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation net assets were $85.39 million and lower than the other companies and 92.66% lower than the average of $1163.72 million This consists of current assets, which were $159.33 million and the lowest and 94.28% lower than the average of $2.79 billion, less current liabilities, which were $73.95 million making it the lowest and 95.44% lower than the average of $1623.11 million

Contributing to the total assets were Plant and Equipment (were 0.0% the same as the comparisions) and tangible assets(were 0.0% the same as the comparisions) Contributing to the total libiatilites were long term debt (were 0.0% the same as the comparisions) and

As a multiple of total assets, total liabilities were 46.41% and 8.27% lower than the average of 50.59%.

nametotal assetstotal liabscur assetscur liabsdays AR
GTEC 159.33M 73.95M 138.93M 70.56M 1469.48
JFIN 5.1B 3.05B 4.84B 2.99B 806.91
KRKR 478.1M 197.74M 283.97M 167.93M 555.8


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